How to cast Valentine wishes with the elements for a  “white magic” and “karma friendly” love spell to invite the most appropriate romantic partner into your life now!

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This is an easy spell with a few simple ingredients to welcome more love into your life. Attract your best match at this time or to enhance your existing committed relationship.

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This is a ritual for sending compassionate healing energy to the people, places and souls who are in areas affected by crisis, devastation, fear, panic, sadness and pain etcetera.

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Is it possible to honour some of what you grew up with and your ancestry while honouring nature and the cycles of the Earth?

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It is my intention with this article to save you some of the heartache and headache when it comes to intentionally designing a life you love and reaching your dreams.

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How to program any beverage of your choice for magical results.

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What a crystal grid is, how and why it works, how to make your own powerful crystal grid for crystal healing and crystal magic.

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How crystal magick works, how to cleanse, store, activate and program (attune) crystals. Plus how to work with crystal energy in your life, work and home.

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It is traditional to match the numerology of your magickal name to the numerology of your life path number. The life path number can be obtained by adding up your year, month and date of birth and reducing it to a single number (unless it’s a Master Number). E.G. 28 August 1970 will be 28 + 08 + 1970 = 2006 reduced to 2 + 6 = 8

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What to do with a wand in your magick making and how to make it a powerful ritual tool.

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