Here is a list of things you can do to amplify your magickal practice while passing the time and/or transcending the “rat race” culture, boosting your energy, creativity and productivity with a lengthy commute.

Start with one or two and then return to the list for some more when you’re ready.

I’m pretty sure I don’t have to tell you this, but some of these activities obviously don’t count if you’re driving 😉


On your way to the office…

➜ Ground and centre your energy

➜ Surround your mode of transport in a bubble of diamond light for safe, pleasant travel to your destination

➜ Listen to an inspirational audio book or podcast

➜ Read uplifting material on your tablet or eReader

➜ Digitally journal last night’s dream, creative inspirations and ideas for the day/projects in the works

➜ Visualise the perfect flow of your modus operandi when you get in to the office

➜ Do affirmations, mantras, mudras, intention setting

➜ Just breathe to gather your faculties and become fully present

➜ Bless your morning beverage

➜ Send healing wishes to loved ones who require it

➜ Send blessings to your child and/or other loved ones for a super day

➜ See yourself in a vision of the midpoint of your day accomplishing, triumphing and radiating Source-ry like nobody’s business

➜ Take a moment to really see the sky, the other people before you and to acknowledge your interconnectedness

➜ Give thanks for another day of Earth life ~ no other experience like it!

➜ Greet the Spirit of your place of work as you enter the space


On your way home…

➜ Greet the Spirit of your place of work as you exit the building 

➜ Ground and centre your energy 

➜ Surround your mode of transport in a bubble of diamond light for safe, pleasant travel home 

➜ Visualise the perfect flow of your evening ahead 

➜ Imagine yourself amidst love, peace, happiness and contentment

➜ Just breathe to gather your faculties and become fully present 

➜ Listen to an inspirational audio book or podcast 

➜ Read uplifting material on your tablet or eReader 

➜ Digitally journal your to-do list and tactics for tomorrow so it’s out of mind by the time you set foot in your haven 

➜ Cut cords with people you have interacted with throughout your day 

➜ Release any emotional baggage you may have inadvertently taken on 

➜ Reclaim any dispersed energy by replaying the scenarios that took place throughout your day and drawing silvery threads back into your energy field 

➜ Give thanks for all that went right 

➜ Ask your Spirit Helpers to reveal solutions required for any situations to you in a way you will notice and understand 

➜ Fish out one tiny nugget of gold from whatever went awry and acknowledge the value of the teaching/lesson in the experience 

➜ Send some golden sparkles to the other commuters surrounding you for whatever they require most in this moment (you can cast this en masse or one at a time)


May the room to indulge in this sacred self-care, doing what you can and adding more when you are ready. Tweak and re-tweak bit by bit, day by day as required!

Four Ways to Refresh Your Thinking

3 Life-Altering Spiritual Practices (You Can Do In 1 Minute)

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.