How to connect and work with Cancer new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

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Why this event is significant, how to celebrate whether you are in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere and what you can use the energy of this seasonal turning point for.

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How to connect and work with Gemini new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

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Why these dates are significant, how to connect and what you can use the energy of this constellation for.

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How to connect and work with Taurus new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

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Why these cross-quarter days are significant, whether you are in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere and what you can use the energy of these seasonal turning points for.

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How to connect and work with Aries new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

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Why this event is significant, how to celebrate whether you are in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere and what you can use the energy of this seasonal turning point for.

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How to connect and work with Capricorn new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

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Deliberately craft your year by designing your goals, envisioning and empowering your path forward.

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