Feeling comfortable in your identity as a witch | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

Particularly helpful for those of you living with people who don’t understand why you can’t just be like them and can’t see beyond their own limited frame of reference.

Even though you love and accept them as they are, you don’t require their approval about the way you choose to live in order to feel comfortable with whom you are. Your approach is one of total self-acceptance.


Your New Script


“I am comfortable in what I believe at this time and with who I am becoming.


I may not know what my path is completely but I choose to enjoy myself on my journey and reach for the best quality experience within each shifting circumstance.


I flow with what rings true for me because I trust my heart,


And listen to my inner wisdom and guidance which is often inspired by others along the way that resonate.


As I settle into this knowing that I am already enough and just be,


Everything I need for my next step is revealed to me in the moment that best supports my expansion.”


Power Mantra:

Perfection doesn’t lead to enlightenment, unconditional self-acceptance of my human experience does.


Empaths: How to Prevent Overwhelm

How to Calm and Centre Yourself (in Tricky Situations)

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you shift your way of being in this world to receive divine intervention and spiritual protection in all ways.