Daily Spiritual Practices You Can Do in 1 Minute | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

Your default daily habits keep you in a holding pattern. The quickest way to incur change is by making incremental intentional shifts in your day-to-day activities.


1 Min Daily Food Blessing | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za


Daily Spiritual Practice #1: Food Blessing

How to perform a quick meal prayer before eating, what to say and why it’s good for you!

While it’s desirable, at present it is not always possible for us to consume fresh organic seasonal foods all of the time for various reasons.


The Japanese utter a phrase before commencing eating which I am told, translates into “I take this nourishment in gratitude (to all beings)” which includes the Spirits of the Land.

Today our food is of a lower vibration to the nature of mass production that it has very little life force left in it.


When you bless your food you heighten its frequency so it fuels your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies much more optimally.

Below is my version as it stands in my personal Book of Shadows:


Thank you divinity


For blessing this food in positivity


So that it is wholesome


Nutritious and tasty for me.


I give thanks for these fruits of the Earth


And to all those involved in bringing it to me.


May this blessing nourish my soul as the food


Nourishes my body on all levels.


I have found the food is more flavourful as a result and in my mind I trust that it yields enhanced nourishment whilst clearing any harmful substance and energy.

You can do it while preparing the meal or before eating one. If you forget, bless your food halfway or afterwards anyway. Switch it up for a family or group by injecting plurals where required.

Consistency leads to habit and once you get accustomed to it you will notice the difference between blessed and non-blessed food!


1 Min Daily Sacred Space | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za


Daily Spiritual Practice #2: Sacred Space

How to to focus, increase productivity and open to receiving spiritual guidance (in one minute)!

Sometimes you just need a time-out for a quick breather to get back on track in your day, elevate your vibration or to boost your creativity and productivity levels.


This quick exercise is ideal if you:

• Have a specific task you would like to complete expediently without interruption

• Need a quick recharge

• Would like a moment’s peace and quiet to gather your thoughts and realign

• Want to touch base with your core for some inspiration or resolution


How to do it:

1) Ground and centre.

2) If you have a specific goal, state in your mind, or aloud if you prefer something along the lines of “I intend to … I aim… in 30 minutes.”

3) Ask your Spirit Helpers to come to your side and assist you.

4) Call in the elements if you wish. State mentally or aloud, “I invoke the powers of Air, Fire, Earth and Water to bless this space.”  Alternatively, you may wish to connect with a particular archetype to channel their energy into whatever it is that you are doing. E.G. Athene for wisdom.

5) Imagine yourself and the area surrounding you beneath a dome of shimmering blue light.

6) Proceed and remember to flow some appreciation for the interlude when you’re done.


Spiritual Practice - Alignment | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za


Daily Spiritual Practice #3: Alignment

Raise your vibration, step into your multidimensional consciousness every morning, plus relax, de-stress and access higher consciousness at night in 1 minute!

It is a common misconception that a daily spiritual practise has to be long and involved and take up a sizable portion of your time.

This is not so. Small, simple actions that preserve your alignment with your core Source-self are adequate.

Begin your day with alignment and end it in alignment and the space in between becomes an embedded spiritual practise. 


As in the beginning, so in the middle, so in the end.  

— Buddhist Maxim


How do you start your day?

• Present, conscious, aware of; body, thoughts and emotions

• Deliberate markers or goals set in place

• Calm, relaxed, sustained approach; “I can handle this.” Or “I’m ready to be amazed.”


How do you end your day? On a note of;

• Appreciation

• Love

• Fulfillment


Try these pre-written alignments on for size and tailor as required:


Daily Alignment


Ground and centre.


I am one with Source (or your preference). I connect with the living essence in all things.


I acknowledge the Greater Whole within which all things exist. I attract endless blessings from this infinite realm of potential.


My intentions serve only my Highest Good and flow to me effortlessly.


{Here you may list your intentions such as; The meeting with X brand will come to an amicable resolution for all parties concerned, I will have X in hand by 16:00 today, bring me what I need, show me how… etcetera}


I ask my Spirit Helpers to walk with me this day, help me to recognise the most appropriate action to take and bring messages from the matrix to my awareness in a way that I will understand.


I am held in diamond light and all that I hold dear is bathed in love throughout this day.


And So It Is. 


Nightly Alignment


I give thanks for all the blessings I have received today.


{Here you may list all that has transpired today, lessons learnt, experiences and things you are grateful for ~ big and small. Also recollect your scattered energy from the scenarios of your day.}


I ask my Spirit Helpers to surround me in diamond light whilst I sleep.


I may be taken to the highest levels of wisdom, truth and love to receive any healing, instruction or guidance from my Highest Self.


I intend that I remember what I need to know.


I choose to restore my sacred blueprint and release all that no longer serves me into the Earth for transmutation.


I will awaken feeling rested and refreshed.


And So It Is.


No Time For Your Spirituality?

How To Calm Yourself (in Tricky Situations)

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you shift your way of being in this world to receive divine intervention and spiritual protection in all ways.