What the Lion’s Gate is, why it is a powerful significant energy portal and how to work with this energy.

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Why these dates are significant, how to connect and what you can use the energy of this constellation for.

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Deliberately craft your year by designing your goals, envisioning and empowering your path forward.

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Why these dates are significant, how to connect and optimise the energy of this etheric passageway. 

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The annual 11 11 gateway opens up again, generating a sacred portal that flows more light codes to Earth and all upon her, triggering ancient recall within your neural pathways, further awakening your DNA to higher vibrating realms.

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How to work with Venus Retrograde energy, 17 Ways to use it to your advantage, and why you would want to. 

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Why Mercury retrogrades are experienced differently by each person and positive actions you can take during this time.

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What Mercury retrograde is, what this means for you and how to make the most of this energy.

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Why Mars retrograde energy can be the source of tension and anger and how to make the most of it.

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People spend a LOT of time planning to do something magickal and not nearly enough time actually practicing daily. It’s easy to sit around daydreaming and preparing yourself for when the time is just right, but never actually take the actions that lead directly to your deepest knowing and connection with All That Is.

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