Leo Magick | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

How to connect and work with Leo new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned at the same degree in the same sign. The Moon lines up between the Earth and Sun, so your conscious self is in tune with the unconscious.

The sacred masculine (represented by the Sun) and sacred feminine (represented by the Moon) are symbolically united for seeds of intention to be sown.


Leo energy combined with the initiatory energy attributed to New Moon lends massive impetus to recognise the special being that you are. Align your head and heart to become the person you want to be, despite who and where you have been.


10 ideas for Leo New Moon:

• Indulge in activities you excel in

• If your ego has been wounded ask yourself “So what?” and move on. You have learnt from the experience and that is all that matters. It cannot affect you negatively unless you let it

• Embody more of your True Self to express it more fully on this plane (the FREE Light Spell audios can help with this)

• Identify your unique talents and gifts then acknowledge the value you bring to the table

• Expand your aura and breathe deeply

• Fuel your creative power with activities and people that inspire you

• Strive to be diverse but in a complimentary fashion to the Greater Whole

• Light your inner fire of creative passion and revel in playful joy

• If you are feeling burnt out; pamper your body, mind and soul as you would someone you deeply love

• Think about areas in your life you would like to shine more in and initiate action


Since everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, bear in mind that with all the emphasis on self brilliance and fiery passion about at this time there is also a tendency for ego mania and things can easily be blown out of proportion.

Which can bring about personal challenges but this is a good thing since it causes you to pause and consider taking a different approach. Resolve anything still outstanding from the past, speak from your heart, walk your talk and fully step into YOU.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you shift your way of being in this world to receive divine intervention and spiritual protection in all ways.