11:11 Gateway | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

The annual 11 11 gateway opens up again, generating a sacred portal that flows more light codes to Earth and all upon her, triggering ancient recall within your neural pathways, further awakening your DNA to higher vibrating realms.

Visually 11.11 looks like two pillars, a perfect gateway to walk through into in-between space ~ a still point within perfect balance.

This is a powerful energy to attune to for new beginnings to activate higher consciousness and integrate greater levels of light.


It is also ideal for building ritual or ceremony to demonstrate your conscious choice to experience change in your life because 1111 adds up to 4 which is the angelic number of support, amplifying your intentions throughout the 4 directions and bringing them into form with the 4 elements.

You can’t miss the bus so to speak. Just by stating your willingness to be open to receiving this energy is sufficient. Even muggles will feel it (but they won’t know what to do with it. 😉


Engage the 11.11 gateway to:

• Merge your starry soul origin with your physical earthly composition

• Access higher frequency realms and activate higher consciousness

• Initiate steps to incur change and expansion in your life

• Make a fresh start for the year ahead (this 11.11 gateway to the next)

• Integrate greater levels of light

• Tend your creative goals and projects in preparation for the next level

• Release outdated roles and identities

• Heal old emotional wounds for good


This is a very powerful energy window to work with each year, but it is especially pertinent if you are currently seeing 11:11 everywhere.


The matrix is hinting for you to step through this gateway with intentionality.


Set aside some time whether it is just 1 minute or 1 hour to enter a calm, centred state to connect with this energy available to you for more elucidation, cosmic flow and balance on your path. Connect with your true mastery, now is the time.


<img draggable= Augment your altar <img draggable=

With the High Priestess/Justice from the Tarot or an oracle card (that has pillars in the image) to gaze at, or place two crystals or two candles to create a “pillar effect” if you wish ~ some recommendations; 

<img draggable= Crystal Allies:Selenite, Labradorite, Clear quartz

<img draggable= Connection Scents: Grapefruit, Rose, Vetiver


Use your imagination when it comes to projecting your intentions through the gateway pillars. See energy stream through in your mind’s eye or draw two pillars on a sheet of paper or in your journal and set your intentions in the space between. Make sure you only note what you want and where you are going!


• What do you want?

• Why do you want it?

• What needs to change?

• How can you start claiming this and anchoring it into your life right now?


11.11 represents an open doorway through which you can access the higher dimensions, divine guidance and expanded consciousness to receive cosmic downloads and loving healing to infuse your life with the vibration of new beginnings (initiation).


Ask to be attuned to and to be activated in higher consciousness, to unlock subconscious abilities and embody greater levels of light.

Communicate your conscious decision to step into a new way of being through this creative, expansive portal, further awakening to higher vibrating realms.

If you’re called by deep magick to unlock your true multidimensional nature and cosmic connection my bespoke 11.11 Gateway Activation rite is designed to help you achieve that, fast. Check it out here.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you shift your way of being in this world to receive divine intervention and spiritual protection in all ways.